Wednesday 29 April 2015

21 SPIRITUAL REASONS ON WHY YOU NEED TO VISIT ISRAEL. Our booking date for an experience of Israel this Summer expires soon!

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Here are some reasons why you need to experience the Holy land of Israel with Mykelitetravels this Summer:

- It is a prophetic step towards the Kingdom life and Eternity(Knowing the True God)
- Great Apostles tarried in here before conquering the world with Gospel‎
- Birth place of the resurrected Christ 
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- Origin and foundation land of the Great commission
- It is the Biblical land as illustrated in the Holy book/Torah
- It is the Land of the only True God; ELOHIM ISRAELI
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- Land of promise flowing with Milk and Honey
- It is the land of great miracles dating back before Christ
- Land of the Hebrews. Race stronger than the Egyptians but not as feeble as them‎
- It is the dwelling place of the City of David. David was a Man after God's heart
- Has the bones of Elisha, The Prophets and Apostles in her belly
- God's fovourite and chosen land 
Image result wey dey for pictures of holy feast in Israel
- A replica of Zion; God's dwelling place
- Great Biblical icons like Enoch, Abraham, Moses, Joseph and St Paul at one time or the other walked through Israel
- Only land in the world surrounded by enemy lands yet still prevailing and advancing
- It is the land of Isaac increase and Solomon's prosperity
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- It is the land of great testimonies, new song and answered prayers. Highly contagious! 
- It is the promise land offering great promises to all who believe and visit there
- Those who love/visit Israel shall prosper according to the Scriptures
- No one goes to Israel and come back same. You will come back a better person full of divine knowledge and wisdom
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- Out pour of God's Spirit; the Holy ghost was first experienced in Israel. Origin of the Christian faith.


This rate is all inclusive and valid until 21st of July'15, so hurry! 
Image result wey dey for pictures of holy feast in Israel
Travel date: 11th - 18th AUG'15.


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