Saturday 16 January 2016

Let your next holiday be in BOTSWANA!

Botswana is an emerging tourist destination in Africa with lots of
Beauty, Wild life, Attractions and Good food. Their economy is as
vibrant as that of neighbour; South Africa and built on wealth
acquired from precious gems and metals export.
Getting interesting right?

If you have heard about Botswana and really love to take a time out
there to explore more, why don’t you check out our holiday package for
this unforgettable tourists delight place.

Tour theme: let your next holiday be in Botswana

Tour Attractions and Experience:

- Flight travel to Gaborne from Lagos, Nigeria or Abuja Int'l Airport for two incl. return
- Complimentary airport pick up and drop off down route in Botswana.
-5 NT stay at 4* Peermont Metcourt inn, Gaborone or Similar
-2 tickets to Saint Claire Lion Park, resort, Gaborone
-Half day City tour of the capital city
- Complimentary Botswana Visas for 2 or as dependent on number travelling.

Booking date: N/A

Travel date: N/A. Must span tour duration schedule.

Cost implication : 1799 USDpp (Sharing) or 1999 USD(Not sharing RM.).

Feel free to contact back should you have questions as touching our
package to tourists delight Botswana.


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