Thursday 10 November 2016

Enjoy XMAS in Israel, start the New year in grand style...PLAN EARLY!

They shall prosper that love(Visit) thee.
Ps122 vs 6. Kjv.

Mykelitetravels has put together another packaged
holiday to Israel. This package holds all you can ever think of in a
modern trip to the Land of Israel and very affordable to everyone.

TOUR THEME: Enjoy XMAS in Israel, start the New year in grand style...PLAN EARLY!


- Road cruise along Caesarea Maritima (Area of first seat of the Roman Governor)

- Witness the birth place of Jesus- Bethlehem and Nazareth

- Overcome the Mt of Beatitudes and Olives

- Boat cruise at the Sea of Galilee and enjoy Cable car rides

- Experience the mineral Red sea, Gilboa, Wailing wall and much more

- Partake of the Holy feast and be immersed in the Spirit of Israel

- Tour the Israeli capital of Tel'aviv

TRIP INCLUSIONS: Flight travel, Shared accommodation(3*), Airport transfers, Travel insurance, Ground shuttle, Meals, JP Cert.,  Private tour guide, Visas and Free travel for group co-ordinator     (Gp size 15 or More).

BOOKING DATE: Now till 30th Nov.'16

TRAVEL DATE: 21st Dec - 28th Dec.'16

Early risers cost (Book before 31st Oct'16):

-  $1, 600 or N575, 000pp

Gate crashers (Book after 31st Oct'6):

- $1, 900 or N650, 000pp

Children and infants get up to 20% and 30% discounts respectively.

REQUIREMENTS: Passport data page and filled application form


Interested? Contact or mail back!


DAY 1. Lagos. Depart Lagos today for Jerusalem as your journey begins today

DAY 2. Tiberius
Meet and assist By Representative. “Blessed is he that cometh in the name of
the Lord” (Ps. 118:26) from Ben Gurion Airport we drive to visit Jaffa next drive along
the crest of Mt. Carmel. Continue along the costal road to Caesarea Maritima, which
was the first seat of government of the Roman Governor, Pontius Pilate.

DAY 3. Tiberius
Nazareth, a town where Jesus lived most of the first 30 years of his life on Earth. We
will continue to Nazareth to visit the basilica of the Annunciation and the nearby
Church of St. Joseph with the traditional Home of the Holy Family. Visit Mary’s Well.
Next we drive through the beautiful landscape of Lower Galilee, the home of many
Jesus’ disciples.. Visit to Mt. Precipice where the wrathful inhabitants of Nazareth
wanted to cast Jesus down headlong. We continue to cross the “plain of
Armageddon” and drive to Cana

DAY 4. Tiberius
We will drive around the western shores to visit the pilgrim shrines of the NW shores.
Visit to the Mt. of Beatitudes, the scene of the Sermon on the Mount. Continue to
Tabgha to visit the Church of the Multiplication of the Loves and Fishes and the
nearby Chapel of the Primacy. Continue to boat trip across the Sea of Galilee before
we continue to have a St. Peter’s Fish lunch. This is followed by a visit to the ruins of
the ancient town of Capernaum which in Jesus’ days was a flourishing border town,
also known as “his own city” (Matth. 4:13). We will see the ancient synagogue and the
“House of Peter”.. Driving on Mt. Tabor, the Mount of the Transfiguration (Matthew)

DAY 5. Bethlehem
After breakfast drive to the Yardenit Baptism Site located on the banks of the Jordan
River. The view from Gilboa takes in many visitor sites, including Mount Moreh (Judges 7:1), where Gideon’s army assembled. Drive to Jericho the most ancient city in the
world, we drive on, stopping in the shade of sycamore tree of the kind which Zacchaeus
climbed in order to see Jesus (Lk. 19:1-10).. We will drive along the shores of the Dead
Sea the lowest spot on the face of the Earth. Enjoy an opportunity is given for a dip in
the mineral rich waters of the Dead Sea.

DAY 6. Jerusalem
Jerusalem Start this eventful day with a visit to the Garden Tomb and Gordon’s – We
shall enter within the walls of the Old City of Jerusalem and walk in the footsteps of
our Lord as he bore the burden of our sins to the Cross at Golgotha. We visit the
Pools of Bethesda where Jesus healed the man who had been crippled for 38 years
(Joh. 5:1-9) and walk on following the 14 stations of the Cross from Pilate’s Judgment
Hall to the empty tomb in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher. We shall visit the
Western Wall (Wailing Wall)
JP Ceremony with cake and certificates

DAY 7/8 Tel’aviv
After breakfast If time permit we will make TLV city Tour and visit Jaffa(Joppa).
Departure drive to Ben Gurion Airport to our Flight back Home to Lagos or as advised.


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