Tuesday 16 November 2021



Welcome to Jordan! The nation of Jordan or Oasis of Stability as commonly referred to is uniquely located in the Middle East, sharing boarders with Africa, Asia and Europe.
The country, one of the freest in Arab world(coming behind Israel and Lebanon but well ahead of UAE), has Amman as her largest/Capital city and economic back bone with advancements in Tourism, Health, IT, Manufacturing and Retail sectors.

The Jordan Trail, Ma'in Hot Springs, Ajlun Castle, : Al-Maghtas,  Umm ar-Rasas, Madaba, Machaerus, Dead Sea and Russeifa are some of the stunning sites in Jordan.

Our 6 days end of the year Jordanian holiday experience starts from the City Amman with lots to see, feel, enjoy, buy, eat, reflect on and ends back there. Kindly be aware that this a leisure travel trip and not Religious Pilgrimage exercise.         

For Religious Pilgrimage to the Arabian nation of Jordan, there are other protocols to follow and observe before departure from your City of habitation. We could assist your group in this(Religious Pilgrimage to Jordan) if so much interested.



- Dead sea experience

- Madaba visit

- An Experience of Mount Nebo in Jordan

- Bethany sightseeing experience

- Shopping experience at your pace

- Petra experience in Jordan

- Wadi Rum Safari experience



- Return flight ticket from Lagos or Abuja Airport to Amman Int'l Airport, Jordan on Turkish Airlines, Ethiopian or Egypt Airways

- Five Nights accommodation in 4 star hotels across Jordan. Dead sea spa and Sun city hotel in Wadi Rum or similar 4* hotels

- Complimentary meals

- Travel insurance with C-19 cover

- Visa assistance and processing

- Airport transfers and Ground transportation. Tour guide assistance included

- Paying in installments allowed but expected to finish paying expiration of booking date


COST: 699, 999 NGN OR 1, 399 USD only per person sharing a double room. Single room occupier charge is +345$ only.            

Children below 12 yrs do get up to 25% off.


BOOKING DATE: Now until 17th of Nov. 2021

TRAVEL DATE: 20th Dec.. to 26th Dec..

REFUND POLICY: No refund once committed to the journey financially.


Feel free to let me know should you have questions or suggestions regarding our forth coming Jordanian holiday experience from the city of Amman. If interested in adding other destinations(like our UK or UAE tours) to this once in a life time trip, do let me be aware early to help out. 



Warm regards,



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